Case Study Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Published on 2023.5.25

Connecting International Visitors, Residents, and Entrepreneurs to Tokyo

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is the largest governmental body of Japan’s 47 prefectures, consisting of a popularly elected governor and assembly and serving over 13 million residents of Tokyo. 

While the Tokyo Metropolitan Government excelled in communicating with Japanese-speaking residents, it struggled to provide quality English-language media and information services to its international residents and visitors. Japan Partnerships Holdings helped strengthen the government’s connection to these groups through the following initiatives: 

  • Ensured that information about the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s “Tokyo One-Stop Business Establishment Center” reached over 150,000 international residents per month.
  • Promoted the government’s free seminars, lectures, and consultation sessions to a targeted audience of international entrepreneurs interested in starting a business in Tokyo.
  • Designed and published over 48 advertisements featured in Metropolis, the largest and oldest English-language magazine in Tokyo.
  • Facilitated connections between the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Japan-based international entrepreneurs for over four years, providing free services for startups in Japan. This effort increased international business opportunities and significantly improved the engagement of international individuals with Tokyo by doubling seminar participation rates. 

Helped the Tokyo Metropolitan Government connect with Japan-based international entrepreneurs for over 4 years of free services for startups in Japan, increasing international business opportunities and better connecting international individuals to Tokyo by doubling seminar participation rates. 


Mitsubishi Corporation
Tokyo Metropolitan Government
American Airlines
Tokyo Tourism Authority
Yokohama Convention and Business Bureau
Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
Japan Tourism Agency
Western Union
Cathay Pacific Airlines

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